Thursday, May 5, 2022

Inpatient Hip Replacement chart - Progress notes

 Inpatient sample charts / Sample Inpatient cases / Inpatient DRG coding / DRG coding sample charts


Relevant Medical Problems:

OSA Risk:  no

Does pt use CPAP: no

Other Concerns Identified in PREOP H&P

Assessment and Plan:

XXX  is a 72 Y female is optimized for planned surgery.

Preliminary ASA Class: 2

The following studies have been ordered or are pending at the time of this visit: EKG to be done in pre-op


Patient Active Hospital Problem List:


  Assessment: Noted


- Operative plan per orthopedist

- No further pre-op testing indicated, but will get ECG in pre-op for new baseline.

- Recommend post-op DVT prophylaxis with ASA 81 mg BID for 4 weeks.

- Med holds as below



  Assessment: Noted


- Hold HCTZ and losartan on DOS



  Assessment: Diet-controlled, has not used NTG in years


- OUtpatient fup



  Assessment: Never started statin.

Assessment/Plan: XXX is a 72 Y female POD #0  Right Total Hip Arthroplasty (Direct Anterior Approach)


planned for same day discharge if meets all criteria and medically stable

 -Wound care:

            Keep dressing clean dry and intact. 

             Can shower over dressing. Keep surgical dressing on for 7 days then can remove and can let running water go over the incision when needed, then pat it dry.

            No Staples to remove

            No drain



            WBAT,  FROM ; no hip precautions

            PHYSICAL THERAPY eval



-Pain Control:

            Per PACU protocol, if admitted then

            IV Tylenol & Toradol 

            Oxycodone 5mg q4h prn

            Adductor Canal Catheter for Knee



            IV Antibiotic: Ancef 2 gm before d/c today. If admitted can administer one more dose 8 hours after last dose

            Cx: none



            Encourage IS, Home with device

            Wean down O2 as able

            OSA Protocol if admitted:



            No foley







            Home with Home Health if meets Same Day Home Recovery Criteria or otherwise Sunrise Discharge



Foley - no foley

Antibiotics - prophylaxis x 24 hrs if admitted

DVT prophylaxis - Start/continue pharmacologic prophylaxis 

Beta Blockers - not indicated


Inpatient care for this patient is medically necessary if admitted to monitor for: adequate pain control and response to medication and/or adjustments, postop care and treatment with: IV pain medication, IV antibiotics, medication titration and physical therapy

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