Friday, April 8, 2022

Inpatient Pregnancy Chart 1 Codes

Inpatient sample charts / Sample Inpatient cases / Inpatient DRG coding / DRG coding sample charts

MS-DRG - 807 

ICD Codes

O99.824-Streptococcus B carrier state complicating childbirth

Z37.0-Single live birth

O99.344-Other mental disorders complicating childbirth

O76-Abnormality in fetal heart rate and rhythm complicating labor and delivery

O62.3-Precipitate labor

O70.1-Second degree perineal laceration during delivery

O99.892-Other specified diseases and conditions complicating childbirth


O26.893-Other specified pregnancy related conditions, third trimester

F33.42-Major depressive disorder, recurrent, in full remission

O69.81X0-Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, without compression, not applicable or unspecified

Z3A.38-38 Weeks gestation of pregnancy

Z67.41-Type O blood, Rh negative


10E0XZZ-Delivery of Products of Conception, External Approach

0KQM0ZZ-Repair Perineum Muscle, Open Approach

0W8NXZZ-Division of Female Perineum, External Approach

10907ZC-Drainage of Amniotic Fluid, Therapeutic from Products of Conception, Via Natural or Artificial Opening

3E0234Z-Introduction of Serum, Toxoid and Vaccine into Muscle, Percutaneous Approach

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